“Carry Protocol致力於構建一個可實現消費者、商家、廣告主三方共贏的生態。”
出品 | 獵雲財經
整理 | 陽冰
8月7日18點,獵雲財經空中課堂第42期邀請到了Carry Protocol聯合創始人(Richard Choi),他為大家帶來了精彩、有料的線上分享。本期活動主持人為獵雲財經商務總監張修滌。
接下來有請我們的主講嘉賓Richard Choi。請您先做一下自我介紹吧。
Welcome Richard Choi,please introduce yourself.
Richard Choi:It is great to be here! I was looking to communicate more with our Chinese participants, and finally here we are! I am co-founder and co-CEO of Carry Protocol. I also co-founded Spoqa, Korea's largest loyalty solution for local merchants 8 years ago. Carry finished IC0 fundraising last year, and we are about to be listed on Huobi Global!
很高興在這裡跟大家交流,我是 Carry Protocol的共同創始人,也是CEO。Carry Protocol已於去年進行了IC0,我們即將在火幣上線。
修滌:您能簡單給大家介紹一下Carry Protocol專案是什麼嗎?
Could you briefly introduce about Carry Protocol?
Richard Choi:Carry Protocol is a project that compensates individual consumers for 1. sharing their offline purchase data to build the most comprehensive offline purchase database, and 2. receiving ads from advertisers that use the Carry database to send targeted ads. Carry empowers consumers by giving them back the full control of their data and its monetization, and enables businesses to send targeted ads to the right consumers using the shared data.
Carry Protocol是一個基於區塊鏈的線下零售資料平臺,給消費者:1)分享資料獲取獎勵2)以透過接收廣告資訊獲取CRE代幣獎勵。Carry Protocol不僅賦予消費者對自身消費資料的所有權和控制權,使消費者能依靠主動出售自身資料得利,同時還幫助商家透過資料更好地瞭解消費者。另外,它基於這些資料,向廣告商提供更準確、詳細的廣告目標資訊(例如消費者確切購買的商品或服務、購買頻率、位置等),使廣告商實現對目標群體的精準定位和推送。最終,構建一個讓消費者、商家和廣告商三方共贏的生態系統。
When consumers pay for coffee, noodles, skin care service or a cosmetic product in offline stores, they can use Carry-integrated app to share purchase data to receive CRE (Carry tokens). This means over time, Carry will build anonymized offline profile of consumers based on their spending habits. This database will be used by advertisers to target consumers, and advertisers can send ads directly to Carry users by sending ads with CRE tokens. Consumers will receive Carry tokens as a result of viewing ads.
當消費者到咖啡廳、快餐店,或者化妝品專櫃等線下店鋪購買商品時,可以上Carry APP上分享自己的消費資料,並且獲得CRE代幣。透過這些,Carry平臺能累計眾多消費者的購買資料。Carry的資料庫可以提供給廣告商,這樣,他們能夠更精準定位客戶群並執行廣告推廣。CRE代幣作為接收廣告的獎勵,廣告主推廣時可以同時把CRE代幣傳送給消費者。
Offline spend is 10 times larger than online spend, yet offline data is not collected or consolidated. Online data is used very well by e-commerce companies or advertisers to deliver targeted ads to maximize ad spend. Carry aims to build the world’s largest offline purchase data and to return control of data privacy and monetization rights back to the consumers.
當消費者到咖啡廳、快餐店,或者化妝品專櫃等線下店鋪購買商品時,可以上Carry APP上分享自己的消費資料,並且獲得CRE代幣。透過這些,Carry平臺能累計眾多消費者的購買資料。Carry的資料庫可以提供給廣告商,這樣,他們能夠更精準定位客戶群並執行廣告推廣。CRE代幣作為接收廣告的獎勵,廣告主推廣時可以同時把CRE代幣傳送給消費者。
Carry Protocol is one of Korea’s hottest projects due to the team’s ability to scale and execute in the offline world. Carry is expected to deploy across more than 10,000 offline stores via its partnership with Spoqa, operator of Korea’s largest loyalty solution for offline merchants. Dodo Point is used by 20 million users in Korea and in Japan, and by leveraging Dodo Point’s business assets, Carry is poised to become one of the most used blockchain services in 2020.
Carry Protocol是韓國最熱門的專案之一:Carry團隊能夠線上下零售行業快速實現Carry代幣的生態。目前,Carry Protocol與Spoqa,韓國最大線下積分平臺Dodo Point的運營公司,建立了深度合作關係。Dodo Point在韓國和日本擁有10,000多家店鋪,透過採用在這些店鋪能實現快速增長,並且其使用者數今年突破了2000萬。Carry有望在2020年前成為全世界消費者最常用的區塊鏈服務之一。
修滌:您能介紹一下建立Carry Protocol 的原因或者靈感是什麼嗎?
Can you explain the reason or inspiration for creating Carry Protocol?
Richard Choi:I co-founded Spoqa 8 years ago because I drink a lot of coffee and at first I found existing punch cards I would receive annoying. I spoke with merchants and found out local merchants did not have many options when it comes to customer relationship management. Spoqa wanted to provide merchants with super simple and easy-to-use loyalty solution for merchants in various industry sectors.
We launched Dodo Point in April of 2012. We grew the merchant and user base of Dodo for the last 7 years and it is now used across 10,000 stores and 20 million consumers. We got to where we are today by stripping away features and steps found in traditional CRM and focusing on the bare minimum. This is how Dodo functions: When a consumer pays for goods and services, they simply input their mobile phone number on the tablet at the counter. No registrations, no download and installs. The whole process takes less than 3 seconds for first time users, and doesn’t require you to take your phone out of your pocket.
我們於2012年和Dodo Point建立合作關係,在過去7年裡積累了大量資料,有10000個商家和2000萬使用者。客人購買商品或服務後,只要在前臺上放置的機器上輸入電話號碼就即可完成積分累計,不需要註冊、下載、設定,3秒即可,都不用掏出手機。Dodo Point就是如此簡單!
With the phone numbers Dodo collects, Spoqa provides marketing automation features previously available to larger corporations. Automated coupons saw 6-7% redemption rate, which means for every dollar spent on coupons, merchants could expect 10-15 dollars in revenue. Spoqa has visibility over how consumers spend their money, through 150,000 times transaction records a day. Spoqa had so much visibility over how people spend money offline. Yet, to utilize the data to the fullest, we encountered to this fundamental problem: how do you balance user privacy and data ownership and company monetization?
Dodo Point擁有消費者的電話號碼資料,Spoqa向人們提供過去只有大企業才可實現的市場自動化解決方案。大家都知道,優惠券贈送的使用率只有6-7%,商家們就是利用這一點獲取利潤的。而Spoqa一天的交易量就可達到15萬,透過這些交易瞭解消費者的購買資訊。然而我們發現利用這些資料是一件難事:怎麼去綜合用考量戶個人隱私權、資料掌控權,還有企業的收益?
That is when I encountered blockchain. Admittedly, I got into it at first by trading. But when I heard about the idea behind Ethereum and its capacity for smart contracts and what this could mean to traditional businesses, I got to work. We later on came up with a token economy model which could solve the problem of data ownership vs. monetization. But this would only work when Spoqa returns data ownership back to its users. Carry will drive traffic and usage by leveraging Spoqa’s existing merchant and user base not by prioritizing decentralization and thus putting the burden of everyday use and upkeep to merchants and users, but by channeling our effort into creating a real use case even at the cost of centralization.
Can you explain how Carry’s ecosystem works?
Richard Choi:We aim to create an ecosystem where all consumers, stores, and advertisers can benefit.
Carry Protocol致力於構建一個可實現消費者、商家、廣告主三方共贏的生態。
When a consumer purchases an item or a service with either CRE, cash, or credit card, the purchase data, including the location of store and purchased item or service, will be sent to the consumer’s application.
Later, the customer can share the purchase data and get rewarded with CRE: Consumers can choose to share and provide their purchase data on the application. The purchase data collected from consumers are used for advertisement.
消費者如果同意透過APP共享自己的消費資料,可獲得相應的獎勵,也就是在Carry Protocol區塊鏈上消費者可以獲得Carry代幣。和傳統的企業的這個“同意”使用資料服務不同,第一,消費者同意後可獲得相應Carry代幣獎勵;第二,在消費者消費資料中可只選擇自己需要的資料。
Advertisers are able to select the ad targets and implement advertisements through analyzing the purchase data. Advertisers deposit CRE, and execute advertisement based on the offline purchase data on Carry Protocol blockchain.
這樣積累的資料還可應用於廣告。廣告主如果選定目標群體,可透過分析消費資料向特定的使用者群體投放廣告。廣告主在Carry Protocol上存放Carry代幣後,可參考客戶消費者線下購買資料,從而實現定向廣告投放。
Unlike existing ads targeted by general factors such as gender, age, and location, Carry’s advertisement can target with more accurate and detailed consumer information, such as the exact purchased item or service, purchase frequency, location.
If a consumer chose to watch ads, CRE will be provided as a reward for agreeing and watching the ads. It is all up to the consumers themselves to share their own purchase data, and to watch the ads.
修滌:和線下商家的積分相比,應用區塊鏈技術的Carry Protocol有怎樣的優勢呢?
What is the strength of Carry Protocol’s blockchain adoption model, compared to the traditional loyalty points of the offline stores?
Richard Choi:Carry Protocol is a project that empowers consumers by giving back the control of offline purchase data, enabling their own privacy management and monetization of the data, unlike the existing system which the company is making profits with consumers’ data. Many people understand Carry as a reward system on blockchain, but here we want to point out that ‘reward’ is just one of the features of Carry Protocol, and our core feature is ‘Enabling data control’.
Additionally, there are many advantages of using blockchain based reward system. For example, the existing reward system where all the loyalty point data are on one entity’s database, the entity can easily change the policy or period. However, this is not the case of Carry Protocol. Also, the tokens are basically programmable, so it allows us to implement more functions than the traditional loyalty points.
A loyalty point should have a fixed value, but the price of tokens is very volatile. So how will you adopt the tokens to the offline market?
Richard Choi:First, I want to strongly point out that Carry token is NOT a loyalty point. The loyalty point stores offer as reward is ‘Brand Token (BT)’, which is incompatible with Carry tokens (CRE). Carry tokens (CRE) are the reward that Carry provides to consumers, and its price is driven by market flow on the exchanges. Consumers will be rewarded firstly with Carry tokens when they share the purchase data, and will also receive the tokens from the advertisers for watching the ads.
In short, the loyalty point is ‘Brand Token (BT)’. Stores or service providers should stake Carry tokens (CRE) to issue BT. Brand tokens are not listed on the exchanges, so there isn’t price volatility. On the other hand, CRE are tokens consumers receive for sharing data and watching ads, and is listed on the exchange, so there is price volatility.
I think it will take more time to use Carry’s ecosystem in real life.. How does the team think about the time needed for the ecosystem to be ready for the consumers?
Richard Choi:People use the Internet and smartphones, and that does not mean all the people have a deep understanding about TCP/IP technologies for the operation. I think blockchain also needs to be a service that is easy to use without understanding its technological details. Carry’s strength is to make a offline blockchain service used by everyone’s daily life. However, I agree that it will take some time. It is expected that we can have more users than the other similar services at the initial stage, since Dodo Point’s number of users broke record - it’s now over 20M! - with over 150,000 daily transactions.
What benefits do advertisers receive if they run ads on Carry? Is there a real use case?
Richard Choi:Currently, there are a lot of online purchase data for advertisers, but it’s hard to check how consumers spend their money at offline stores. Since the data on Carry directly shared by consumers has a lot of offline purchase details, advertisers can send more accurate targeting ads to the consumers. From the consumers' point of view, there will be less spam, and more interesting ads. Also, the response to the ads will be more active since they will be rewarded with CRE for watching the ads.
Is there any staking benefits for the tokens I receive as reward? Also, will it be able to swap it into btc or eth from the wallet?
Richard Choi:Although it is not written in our whitepaper, we’ve been considering it from the initial stage. We are still thinking about ways to give consumers more benefits when they stake Carry tokens.
For example, when stores or service providers stake Carry tokens (CRE) to issue Brand Tokens (BT), service providers can offer another rewards such as store discount coupons if customers stake CRE tokens instead of them. Let’s say a coffee shop needs to issue Brand Tokens (BT) for customers. If one of their loyal customers stakes Carry tokens (CRE) instead of the coffee shop owner for a certain period of time, the owner may offer VIP coupons for the customer. Also, I think it’s a great idea to swap Carry tokens into BTC or ETH.
修滌:我認為Carry Protocol是能夠對接到人們日常商務的非常優秀的專案。但是,它的客戶群體主要是韓國國內,請問Carry有走向全球的戰略嗎?如果有的話,主要是哪些國家呢?
I believe Carry Protocol is a great project that can be applied to our real life. However, it seems like the target market is mainly in Korea. Do you have any plans for global expansion strategy? If so, which country do you plan to go first?
Richard Choi:We will be focusing on making real use cases in Korea first. After making successful use cases domestically, we will be expanding our business to global through the partnerships.
Dodo Point, our core partner, is currently installed in 300 stores in Tokyo, Japan. The number of users in Japan has already recorded over 1 million. Based on Dodo Point’s activities in Japan, we will be expanding our service. Also, we are planning to expand our business to Southeast Asia, to the major cities with high population. For now we are strategically engaging in overseas investments and having discussions weekly to introduce our project to the global networks, including China region’s partners.
Carry合作伙伴Dodo Point在日本東京地區300多個賣場提供服務,有超過100萬的使用者量。所以透過Dodo Point可進入日本市場,再者,我們還將以東南亞地區的主要城市為發展目標,因為這些地區的人口密度大。為了實現這些巨集偉藍圖,我們從中國等海外投資者吸引到了投資,透過他們我們還在努力拓寬自己的網路。
修滌:現在可以在哪裡購買Carry 代幣?有在中國交易所上線嗎?
Where can I buy Carry tokens now? Do you have any plans for listing on overseas exchanges?
Richard Choi:Currently we are only on Upbit - Korea’s largest cryptocurrency exchange. However, we are just about to be listed on another big exchange - Huobi Global! We will be participating Huobi Global’s Fasttrack Phase 6 starting from 20:00 today and will be listed accordingly. Carry team is expecting to spread awareness of Carry Protocol project among Huobi Global’s millions of users through this FastTrack listing, and also to expand the liquidity of Carry tokens to the global market. Therefore, we will be working on more global adoption of CRE to the worldwide consumers’ real life. Thank you all for the support and interest!
目前只能在韓國最大的交易所upbit購買。不過我們在火幣全球站這樣的大交易所正開展上線活動,為時幾個小時。今晚中國時間8點開始,我們將參與火幣FastTrack6期活動。我們將會上線火幣全球。CRE 上線火幣將給火幣幾百萬的使用者介紹Carry Protocol,期待能夠促進CRE代幣流通。這也將成為Carry Protocol向海外使用者亮相的第一站,未來我們期待Carry Protoco在中國的發展。
修滌:好的十分感謝Richard Choi的精彩分享,接下來進入到自由提問環節,請大家一個個按順序提問,請嘉賓回答完每個問題後打OK示意結束。
Okay, thanks a lot for Richard Choi's wonderful sharing. Next, let's go to the free questions p. Everyone, please.Ask questions in sequence. After each question is answered, please call OK to indicate the end.
혹시 CRE는 시가총액 관리를 하나요?
Richard Choi:현재 캐리측에서는 가격에 직접적인 개입을 하지 않습니다. 저희는 캐리 서비스 에코시스템을 구축해 나가면서, 캐리가 제대로 작동하기 시작한다면 광고주들이 캐리토큰을 시장에서 계속 사고 스테이킹 하여야 하는 구조이기에 유통물량은 줄어들 것입니다. 단기간적인 가격 목표보다는 캐리의 미션달성을 위해 중장기적으로 보고 있습니다. 그렇다고 단기간적인 가격에 신경을 쓰지 않는 부분은 아니고요. 우리는 가격에 직접 개입하지 않으나 우리의 진행 현황, 중요 파트너 공개와 서비스가 실제로 쓰임을 증명하면서 꾸준히 프로젝트 업데이트를 할 것입니다.
社群問題2:目前Carry 代幣的流通量大概有多少?
현재 CRE의 유툥량이 얼마인지 알수 있을까요?
Richard Choi:현재 유통물량은 16.8억개 입니다. 시총은 현재 가격이 21원대 이기에 353억 원 상당입니다 (US$ 29M)
현재까지 carry는 오프라인에서 사용된 시나리오/케이스가 있나요?
Richard Choi:현재 캐리는 개발중입니다. 캐리와 연동한 도도 포인트는 내부 테스트 진행중으로, 사무실 옆 카페에서 테스트 진행중입니다. 곧 모든 캐리 기능을 갖춘 도도 포인트 앱이 10,000개 매장에서 사용 가능하도록 될 것입니다 (올해 말). 내년 초부터 많은 사용자들이 캐리가 탑재된 도도 포인트를 사용할수 있을것입니다.
(추가) 도도 포인트는 이미 한국 인구 3명 중 1명이 쓰고 있는 국민 서비스이며, 캐리는 이 유저기반을 상대로 내년초부터 여러 마케팅 캠페인을 진행할 예정입니다. (에어드랍 등). 따라서 실체가 없는 업체가 서비스 유저를 키워나가는 것 보다, 이미 유저기반와 매장 기반을 가지고 있는 캐리가 더 빠르고 대중성있게 유저를 확보할 것이라 자신있습니다.
참고로 도도 포인트는 NIKE, HYATT 호텔, MARRIOTT 호텔 등 저명한 브랜드가 이미 사용하고 있습니다. 캐리는 최근 한국의 가장 큰 요식업 브랜드운영사와 파트너를 맺었는데요, 이 회사는 빠리바게뜨, 배스킨라빈스, 던킨도넛 등의 유명한 브랜드 매장 6,000개를 운영하고 있습니다. (진짜 OK)
另外,NIKE, HYATT 酒店等知名品牌也在用Dodo積分。Carry最近和韓國最大的餐飲企業締結了合作伙伴關係。該公司擁有巴黎貝甜、Baskin Robbins
Dunkin Donut等有名的品牌店6,000家,規模可謂非常大。
현재까지 어떤 투자기관으로부터 투자 받으셨나요?
Richard Choi:암호화폐 업계에서 가장 유명한 투자자들에게서 투자를 받았습니다. 한국에서 가장 유명한 투자자 Hashed, 중국에서 유명한 Ticker Capital, Draper Dragon, BA Capital, Node Capital, LD Capital, Ledger, 홍콩의 Kenetic 싱가폴의 Signum, 미국의 Passport Capital, Arrington XRP 등등 여러 유명한 투자자에게서 투자를 받게 되었습니다.
밑에 링크를 보면 가장 유명한 암호화폐 투자자 10개가 명시되어있는데요, 그 중 3군데에서 받았습니다.
我們榮幸拿到了加密貨幣領域最有名的投資商的投資。韓國最有名的Hashed,還以中國的Ticker Capital, Draper Dragon, BA Capital, Node Capital, LD Capital, Ledger,香港的Kenetic,新加坡的Signum,美國的Passport Capital, Arrington XRP等等。
修滌:十分感謝Richard Choi 的精彩分享及耐心解答,本次活動到此結束,謝謝各位。